Unity Tutorial 5

 Unity Tutorial 5

-Screenshot from the animator page

In week 6, I had to make a game where a character looked like they were running across a scene and jumping over obstacles. The obstacles and the player controller stuff was nothing new apart from aligning box colliders which I know from playing FPS games, hit-boxes are important. I found it very interesting to use a old-timey movie magic technique to get the effect of the players movement. Instead of actually running along a track I placed a background that would move left with appropriate scripts and code.

There was more to just moving the background left though. I had to make the background reset to a set position to make it appear, in the game camera view, that the player was constantly moving. Next were all the animations and triggers. Here, I learned how to play around with animations and their speed to fine tune how they look when applied to the player. I also had to add some code to tailor some of the animations to not act out of place. For example, once the player has hit an obstacle they die and a death animation plays. I fine tuned the speed of the death animation because the rate that they fall at seemed too slow to me. However, once dead, the player still had the option to make the dead corpse jump, which was very funny to me. I just added code so that when there was a game over, the player couldn't jump anymore.


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