RollaMole Prototype 1:

RollaMole Prototype 1:

 Link to prototype files:

-My Boxing ring model

This week I began working on my game, RollaMole. I thought it was very intimidating at first and to be honest it still is intimidating, maybe even a little more so. Once I opened my project and began working I made a plane and a cube to start which I then scaled out to make a rough  boxing ring platform. I downloaded a boxing ring asset which had a weird platform but the ropes and the poles were okay so I used them with the project. I also imported some texture assets to add to the ropes and poles. I ended up changing their colours and smoothness.

I went into illustrator to quickly mockup a texture for the surface of the ring that would also help guide me to put in the moles. I added holes and a boxing logo just for detail. I had to do some maths to figure out the dimensions of the poles and ropes and then even for the holes on the ring. I found an animal asset pack with a mole in it and imported that to see if I could use the mole and it turned out to be a great model. It even has premade Idle and Pop-up attack animations built in which is a great help. However, I need to find a way to cue the attack animation for whenever they spawn out of the ground.

Before placing the main camera where I wanted it, I knew that the moles would look weird from the top down so I angled them back a bit to give the illusion that they're facing the camera without totally looking like they're emerging sideways.

I added a spawn manager and created a prefab array for the regular mole and later on I will need to model and input the super mole enemy as well. I added a move forward script to the prefab and scripted moles to spawn when "S" was pushed down. 

I realise how much intricate coding I will need for this game to even bare some resemblance to what I had in my head. I could maybe reposition the main camera a little without totally obscuring the players view with moles so then I could fix the tilted mole issue. I haven't even started with the player yet so I'm going to have to look for a player model that I can use and apply a sphere collider on him to make him roll. He will also need to stay glued to the ground and not escape the ring. I think I will work on getting the moles spawning randomly and animating through the ground first. Second would be getting the player to move about the stage correctly. Then lastly, adding collision coding so the player can destroy the moles when he touches them.


  1. Hi, Adam!
    I also thought it was very intimidating when I started to work on my game project, It's so different from having the Unity guy guiding you through the games creations.
    WOW! You did your very own texture, that's amazing, congrats for that!
    Have you thought about the sound effect? If I can suggest one I`d say “Overworld Theme - New Super Mario Bros” or something like it that will bring joy and an energetic felling into the game.
    Your game seens to be very nice, haven't seen any game like this in our year group. I hope I can play it :)
    Lívia Alencar

  2. Hey Adam,
    Your game sounds really fun and interesting and I'm impressed with the amount of progress you have made so far. It's lookin great and the effort you have put into the aesthetics really shows.

    One thing so far that I have a question about is having the mole spawning system set to when the player presses 'S' instead of running constantly or on a timer system or something? I feel like that might create the problem of the game coming to a halt if the player pauses their movement for any reason.

    Have you considered maybe adding power ups to the game? You could even have them pop up randomly like the moles or bombs and they could help make the game more dynamic. Like a powerup that increases the player's speed or increases the bounciness of the player or ropes.

  3. Hey Adam

    Wow your game looks amazing basted on the screenshot and im super impressed with what im seeing so far. another aspect i like is the same of the game i think it fits genre of game and your overall direction is great and I'm defiantly looking forward to seeing where this game ends up

    i was wondering if there is gonna be a level system in place or a difficulty selector

    All and all best of luck in completing your game


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