Game Design

 Game Design

After going through the readings and taking notes of a few things there are multiple things mentioned that are very interesting. In "What is a game anyway?" It's very interesting to read about the definitions of games and the arguments about what the fundamentals of a game really are. It's quite calming to see that to create a game you don't need to amass a knowledge of code, you just needed to creative objectives, obstacles and rules. 
"Games are a “system in which players engage in an artificial conflict, defined by rules, that results in a quantifiable outcome” " - What is a game anyway?

The studies of The Organic nature of game design delve into the natural way game ideas/concepts come about. With the most common practice being "Brainstorming", an easy and efficient way to work as a group and deliver multiple thoughts at once. Brainstorming, in the study, is found to be a very beginner level technique to start thinking creatively. With some downsides such as it being more difficult to come up with a new IP or idea seed that doesn't have some relation to topics already discussed.

Lastly, The Four Basic Methods for Generating Ideas. In this piece it runs over some of the beginner material of idea generation: Concentration and Brainstorming. New information I happened to glean was the Scamper method and the Ramsey Method. The scamper method is a acronym of the seven steps included within itself. 
  • S   ubstitute
  • C   ombine
  • A   dapt
  • M  odify
  • P   ut
  • E   liminate
  • R   everse
The Ramsay method is a very difficult and complicated method. 
"Ramsey wrote a theory that, if you take a significant amount of information and start looking at it closely and manically, you can find new information or find inconspicuous links." It basically means you need to collect as much information about the topics you want you game to be about and then study that information very closely until you find subtle connatations and "imperceptible" connections.


  1. Hi Adam, very interesting blog post. I was fascinated to learn about your opinions on the ideas of game design and development. You made some great points within your blog post, such as including the definition of what a game can be considered to be. It was also interesting to read some information about the Scamper method and Ramsey method.


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