Unity Tutorial 1
Unity Tutorial 1
I remember as a kid finding out about Unity and how I could download it myself and mess around in it. I would watch Youtube videos for hours trying to decipher what the person was trying to teach me. I got a little bit of understanding but these lessons are structured in a way that lets you figure out the process yourself while creating a game.
From unity tutorial 1 I have learned a lot about Unity. I know my way around the application instead of feeling lost and not knowing what each window does. I learned to make my own workspace in Unity to help me feel in control with a better workflow. I learned how to locate and place things into scenes and then create scripts and a script folder. Writing code for the objects came naturally and it was easy to understand what the code meant and what it would do. This made it easier to play around with variables and not break the code.
I really enjoyed the process of "I want this object to do something" and then learning how to do it. It felt like being given tools and powers to create whatever I want and that makes me excited for the future of this course. I'm very interested in multimedia/ game development and I hope I get good enough to make it a job.
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