
Showing posts from December, 2020

Unity Tutorial 10

 Unity Tutorial 10 -Game manager script For this weeks Unity tutorial I had to make a game that incorporates a fully functional user interface or UI. All the games I've made up until this point didn't have a basic UI to start and restart the game, let alone track the players progression. This tutorial was one I've actually been looking forward to for a little bit because I was unsure how they were made and I was very interested in seeing the behind the scenes of making one. Since the game I'm trying to make involves a point system to achieve a highscore I found tutorial 5.2 to be of great help. I learned how to use text mesh and how to align things and personalize them on the canvas. I also found the new input of clicking with the mouse useful because all tutorials up until now had only worked from key commands. Lastly in tutorial 5.3 to wrap up a game and make it playable for somebody who would like to play it I learned how to include a game over and restart button so ...

Twitter Task 10

 Twitter Task 10 For this weeks Twitter task I had to make a list for my peers and one for everything multimedia and game development. To be honest, I had known about twitter lists but because I don't use twitter that much I never fully understood how they worked. Finally finding out that they just bring together a showing of all the people or hashtags you add is EXTREMELY useful even for my personal twitter. I used to have multiple twitter accounts for different things I was into so that they wouldn't all muddle up into one. For example, I had an account for just video games and youtuber posts and then one for everything Boxing and Basketball related. Learning about lists makes things so handy now. On my student twitter I found it quite helpful because not only have I followed my classmates but I've also followed Creative Directors of a lot of video games and movies so all the posts were getting muddled up and hard to focus on. So to fix that I made a list for all my peers...