Unity Tutorial 3

 Unity Tutorial 3

In Unity tutorial 3 I had to open up a new asset folder and use the assets to make a game about feeding animals. I really liked this tutorial because it branched off into new materials and assets that I had to then apply rules and scripts to. 

- Screenshot of the game and its assets

I had to program a playable character to be used by the player that could be controlled to go left and right. I also had to learn code that would prevent the character from exiting the view of the camera and is actually something I was wondering while sending my car flying off into the abyss in the previous tutorial.

I learnt a lot from this tutorial that I was genuinely curious about because one of my game ideas was very similar to this. It also involved things coming towards the player at random times and random positions. 

A script I found useful was the 'Destroy' script that I could code and then apply to game objects that I didn't want existing forever within the game world. At one point my clones of the animals that I could spawn in at the press of the 'S' key, weren't disappearing once they left the players view, but it was super simple to just drag and apply the script to these game objects.


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